ASTRO FREQUENCiES ⚡…What’s Your Vibe? Karma and Your Compass: The Lunar Nodes

Astro Freq.HCM post pic. 2019-11-03 at 8.43.49 AM
Astro Frequencies… What’s Your Vibe?

Karma and Life’s Compass: The Lunar Nodes

Astrology in and of itself is a compass. Knowing that we are one with the universe helps us to find direction in life. Knowing our relationship to life allows to live a fuller, more holistic life. The universe and cosmos are huge realities and we ask ourselves. “how do we fit in?” Afterall, we have everyday lives to lead: going to school, work, cleaning the house, going to the dentist, etc. The ancients studied the skies and their affects on us here on earth. Astrology is birthed from this ancient wisdom guiding us, who take advantage of this elevated astronomical knowledge, in our earthly journey with their gifts of love.

It may seem like what is going on in the cosmos is light years away from our reality. This thinking is incomplete. If we only focus on the density of what our five senses can ascertain, we are only seeing part of the picture. It would be like taking a snapshot of a field of beautiful flowers but the picture of the flowers, due to a defect, develops only in black and white. All of the beautiful colors of red, orange, yellow, white, green, purple and so on, are missing.

We are the flowers and are much more than the structures our 5 senses-3-D world process in our everyday world.

As we lead our lives, not only do we leave our footprints on the physical earth but on the universe. When we use the wisdom of Astrology to help us navigate our lives, we empower ourselves with a very useful toolset that we can use to become the architects of our lives.

Among these tools are the lunar nodes of the moon represented the north and south nodes. In Vedic Astrology they are called Rahu, north, and Ketu, south, which represent the head and tail of the dragon respectively. The nodes are so important that some astrologers make them a major focus in their Astrology chart interpretations.

In the natal chart, the north node zodiac sign represents an area of focus, in this lifetime, where we can attain huge strides in our soul’s growth and development. However, in order to focus on this area, we have to be aware of where it is. The other half of the lunar nodes, the south node, is an area of experience we are very familiar with and can use the skills indicated by its zodiac sign to help us further our growth.

The nodes also affect us collectively as they continuously move and repeat about every eighteen years giving us many opportunities to experience their energies.

The lunar nodes, just like the other dimensions of life, offer us a choice. Do we reach for our higher potential as shown in the north node placement or do we chose to continue on the path of the south node where we are more comfortable but offers less potential for growth? The choice is ours.

And therein lies the struggle of life: what do we choose to do with the gift of life? What we choose has consequences, karma.

There is a lot more to this heavy word, karma and to the energies of the lunar nodes. Perhaps this writing will stir you to learn more about your Astrology chart. What is written here is just a brief introduction with more to come.

Stay tuned to your ASTRO FREQUENCiES!

Felecia’s quote: “Be your own best Astrologer but in the meantime, make sure you have one”

Article by from the Harte, ~Felecia Harte for ASTRO FREQUENCiES, 2023 (c)


ASTRO FREQUENCiES (“Follow The Light” see Youtube video here)


Looking to make big moves this new year, 2023? Change careers? Get married? Buy a house? Well, from now through April 15th represents an excellent window of time for moving plans forward. All the planets in our solar system are moving direct, in forward motion; this is not an everyday occurrence. It’s like the planets have synchronized their direct momentum in order to start our new year with a gift of rhythmic synchrony to help us achieve our desired goals.

There are personal planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars; societal planets: Jupiter and Saturn; universal planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And now, all of these planets are in direct motion. Often times, planets move in a retrograde motion with the exception of the sun and moon which never retrograde. This retrograde motion not only gives the planets a chance to slow down and take a break but also gives us the opportunity to reflect and refine the energies retrograde planets embody. 

For instance, many people are aware of Mercury retrograde. Mercury is the planet of communication: talking, writing and also thinking, how we process our thoughts. Mercury retrograde is an opportune time to slow down and really look at how we communicate and the thoughts preoccupying our minds…what ideas are rolling around in our heads. Mercury retrograde is a good time to evaluate these mercurial characteristics and improve in areas where needed. Although the future has not yet occurred, this reflecting process lends itself to focusing in the present on events that have already occurred. However, once we have reviewed and improved our mental processes, we can better our future minds.

This retrogradation, slowing down and focus on a particular planet and its planetary energies, occurs with each planet when in retrograde motion.

At this time, February 1st to April 15th, is an ideal time to move forward as all the planets are in forward motion.

What’s on your mind? What do you desire? What have you been planning for awhile now but have not executed? Now is a good time to put those plans into action. This direct motion of the planets doesn’t mean you can just haphazardly be successful at anything you do but does support carefully considered goals.

So hop off those merry-go-round thoughts and catch a planetary ride with the carousel of stars waiting to make your dreams come true!

Let’s go!
written by: ~from the Harte © February 1st, 2023

Stay tuned into your ASTRO FREQUENCiES…

Felecia’s quote: “Be your own best Astrologer but in the meantime, make sure you have one.



We are not separate from the universe; we are of the universe! We live in this milieu of galaxies amongst all the other residents of the universe: sun, moon, stars, planets, asteroids, comets, black holes, etc. We are also composed of the same chemical elements as the universe: water, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide for example. Of course, we and the planets embody varying degrees of these elements which gives each its life, form and temperament but all originate from the same source.


People have different personalities as measured by the way we present ourselves with our own unique way,  we have a certain style. The celestial bodies too have personalities: the sun invites us to spend a summer day basking in the warmth of its rays, picnicking at the park, or sunbathing at the beach; the moon lights up the night setting the mood for mystery and romance while the stars reflect the twinkle in our eyes and the planets display their cosmic rhythm while dancing in the sky. All have distinct personalities and yet, we all co-exist in this vast universe.

The celestial bodies, as we, have electromagnetic fields of energy that add to our power of relativity. Sometimes this electromagnetic field is referred to as the aura. These fields of energy are frequencies emanating outwardly from the whole of the orbital bodies.

People can tune in to these frequencies. We can sometimes know what kind of a mood a person is in even without that person uttering a word. We can feel the frequency, the vibe, and just know. Some people might say, “I picked up a bad vibe and kept my distance.”

These fields of energy, frequencies, are given off by the sun, moon and planets as well. We all know that although the moon is about 240,000 miles away from the earth, it still affects us not only by lighting up the night but additionally, with its gravitational pull. I think many of us have witnessed the huge ocean waves when the moon is full. The human body is composed of about 60-70 percent water. Wouldn’t a full moon affect us too? We also know that there would be no life on earth without the warm rays of the sun. How many times have we positioned a plant to make sure it has enough sun to grow?

Yes, these celestial bodies are much farther away from us than a person who gives off vibes indicating a mood. However, the celestial bodies are much larger in mass and emanate enormous amounts of electromagnetic frequencies. The ancients recognized cosmic correlations thousands of years ago from their careful observations of the sky. “As above, so below” is an axiom attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, astrologer, sage, and believed to be the author of the Emerald Tablets, one of the revered, scholarly works of antiquity where this axiom was written and has thrived for centuries.

The ancients understood the importance of observing these astronomical giants’ cycles and phases as their lives depended on it. Today, we depend on how hostile or friendly the seasons are as our seasons too are influenced by the cosmic climate. The Farmer’s Almanac identifies new and full moon cycles in addition to recording and predicting astronomical events, proven to be important agricultural information, utilized by many farmers for planting and harvesting crops.

Our very lives depend on what’s going on not only on earth but in the universe because we are of the stuff of the universe. Astrologers observe the sun, moon, stars and planets and correlate their activities with our human experiences. A practice that has prevailed with cultures all over the world for thousands and thousands of years.

Astrology is based on mathematical science but also interprets that science along with the frequencies, personalities, of the celestial bodies to see how they influence our lives here on earth.

The ancients methodically divided the sky into twelve sectors and each sector represents different parts of the human experience: personality, home and family, relationships, career to name a few along with eight more fields of human experience rounding out these twelve sectors. The ancients knew that human existence was not merely an isolated event but that all was a whole and began acknowledging our relationship with our cosmic family.

Here is a keyword snapshot of each of the twelve astrological signs and their astro frequencies:

Aries- I originate energy  (March 21st to April 2oth)

Taurus- I accumulate energy  (April 21st to May 21st)

Gemini- I disseminate energy  (May 22nd to June 21st)

Cancer- I emote energy   (June 22nd to July 22nd)

Leo- I express energy   (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Virgo- I distill energy   (August 23rd to September 23rd)

Libra- I equalize energy  (September 24th to October 23rd)

Scorpio- I transform energy  (October 24th to November 22nd)

Sagittarius- I expand energy  (November 23rd to December 21st)

Capricorn- I manifest energy  (December 22nd to January 20th)

Aquarius- I electrify energy  (January 21st to February 19th)

Pisces- I surrender energy   (February 20th to March 20th)

Tune in to your Astro Frequencies!

Written by Felecia Harte for Astro Frequencies © 2019; click About Felecia to learn more!

For a personal astrology session with Felecia, with your special introductory rate, please email:

Felecia Astro at
For further info on Astro Frequencies and 
HartecastMusic’s content, click contact
Thank you!


Mercury’s Retrograde Cycle: Friend or Foe?

Mercury Planet.Screen Shot 2019-11-02 at 4.31.14 PM

Mercury’s Rx Orbit: Friend or Foe? by Felecia Harte

I am writing this when we are at the very beginning of a Mercury Rx, actually Mercury is stationing retrograde right now. About a week ago, I was investigating Mercury’s orbit. I was looking at the fact that Mercury retrogrades about every 116 days and how its cycle plays out.

Yes, we astrologers know what we tell our clients, students about Mercury retrograde: a time to re-evaluate, re-do, re-visit, and re-think amongst other “re-s”. Mercury retrograde is a time of reflection when we re-assess our projects, actions, relationships. We reflect on where we are in life and what we can do to make things better. We could be doing things very well and in that case, we can reflect on what we have done to attain success and what needs to be implemented to sustain our success.

We can also reflect on what is not going as expected and decide what modifications need to be made. At any rate, it is a time to see what is working and what is not. Our western culture is so busy but we really do need these “time outs”. Just as we take breaks during work on our nine to fives or vacations during the year, we do need time to just be with ourselves, our thoughts and Mercury aids in this break.

Those of us in tune with Astrology are aware of these times and can go with the flow. As Astrologers, we know about Mercury retrograde’s influence but I wanted to delve deeper into the actual mathematical facts about its cycle.

I learned something very interesting. I learned more about Mercury’s inferior and superior conjunctions and when they occur within Mercury’s every approx. 116-day retrograde cycle. In the middle of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, it begins its inferior conjunction and this inferior conjunction actually begins Mercury’s 116-day cycle. I found this rather interesting that Mercury’s cycle begins in the middle of its retrograde? How curious I thought. This is typically the time to be careful about signing contracts, beginning completely new projects, beginning new jobs and the list goes on.

So in the middle of Mercury’s retrograde cycle, it begins its inferior conjunction and then about a week after it goes direct, its superior conjunction commences. Mercury and Venus are inferior planets and are so named because they orbit within earth’s orbit. During the inferior conjunction, Mercury, the earth and sun are all in alignment. When Mercury is in its inferior conjunction, it is closest to the earth. Many Astrologers have suggested this proximity to earth is why there tends to be miscommunication problems during Mercury retrograde as this proximity to earth subjects Mercury to earth’s influence impeding its own free flowing frequencies; thus, it is difficult to tune in to Mercury’s frequency because it receives interference from earth just as one radio station’s signal might impede the signal of another.

When Mercury enters its superior conjunction, about a week after it goes direct, it is now traveling faster than 1 degree per day now faster than the sun and is heading toward its normal speed of 2 plus degrees per day. At superior conjunction, Mercury is on the other side of the sun farthest away from the earth and sun. This phase seems similar to the full moon and would represent Mercury at its most liberated: away from the earth and in a superior position to the sun.

At this superior position, it would seem that Mercury would be free to really tune in, download information from the cosmos without interference, that information would come in loud and clear and could be passed on to natives like a direct current. Of course, sign and aspects would need to be considered but just purely from his superior perch, his communication would seem to be unfettered!

After the superior conjunction phase, Mercury does travel faster but it is now going into its waning phase until its next inferior conjunction.

When reviewing a chart, it would probably be helpful to see what phase the cycle is in when the native was born. If by chance natally or by transit, the native has great aspects to Mercury and is superior conjunction, this could be a most auspicious aspect for communication, commerce, media and things associated with Mercury.   

It is in the Mercury Rx cycle that mercury is “reborn”, inferior conjunction, which is likened to a new moon. Once it apexes at its superior conjunction, “full moon”, it begins its waning cycle. However, it is during this period until it reaches its shadow period, the degrees it traverses three times, that Mercury moves its fastest and is believed by many Astrologers to be the period when it is “safe” to initiate businesses, contracts, etc. But after the superior conjunction, during this fast moving phase is the waning phase.

Perhaps the strongest period of Mercury is about a week after it goes direct, superior conjunction, but before it returns to its two plus degree movement per day? This is not to say that this faster moving period is not beneficial but to reap the purest Mercury results, shouldn’t we make the most of the days surrounding the start of the superior phase to reap maximum Mercury outcomes while continuing to be cautious during its shadow period ending just prior to it retrograding? Definitely something to think about.

Mercury is reborn during its retrograde cycle, when you look at it from this perspective, the Mercury retrograde cycle may be more of a friend than foe. It is not something to dread or even to approach apprehensively because its the retrograde cycle that gives birth to its superior conjunction when Mercury has its best opportunity to download cosmic information and then, in its speedier orbit at superior conjunction, relay that information to us. After all, thoughts precede actions.   

Its inferior conjunction begins the Mercury retrograde cycle in the middle of the retrograde cycle. The fact that this planet of communication begins its cycle at midpoint in its retrograde period, is significant perhaps emphasizing the need to think before speaking. We all know how powerful words and thoughts are. We sometimes speak before we think and unleash harsh, hurtful words unto others which later we may regret but once spoken and heard by others, words cannot be unspoken. Of course, we can apologize for hurtful words but the words themselves can never be unspoken.

The fact that Mercury begins its cycle here reminds us to be careful of what we say. In fact, Mercury retrograde is a time of reflection and supports our need to reflect not only on our projects, commerce and outward activities but on what and how we think. Thoughts proceed words.

This inferior conjunction occurs midway between Mercury station retrograde and Mercury station direct. This position perfectly cradles the connection between past and future thoughts somewhat like the Roman god, Janus, who could see forwards and backwards at the same time!

This also reminds me of the organ that processes our thoughts, the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is more analytical and linear while the right hemisphere is more abstract and artistic. These two cerebral hemispheres work in tandem as they are bridged by the corpus callosum, a thick band of nerve fibers, allowing for communication between both hemispheres.

Some of us are thought to have a propensity for right brain affairs and others to have more of a propensity for left brain affairs however, the normal functioning brain has access to both! This is where the Mercury retrograde period comes to the forefront. Because it’s here that we have the opportunity to re-trace our steps, patterns of thought, actions and communications readying ourselves for improving future matters of Mercury’s domain.

Mercury retrograde actually gives us a quantity of time that we can utilize to ponder the quality of our patterns of thought, actions and communications. Right in the very middle of Mercury retrograde, lies a very important event, the inferior conjunction, that can open us up to a myriad of possibilities perhaps answering some of life’s most challenging perplexities. The astrological sign and house positions serve to enhance the focus. 

Mercury travels on to its superior conjunction where it is farthest away from the sun that it can be, 47 degrees, and freer to express its unbridled qualities. It’s journey to its superior conjunction is somewhat like the waxing moon in that Mercury is forward moving culminating its climax, the superior conjunction. And now, he begins his waning phase similar to a waning moon.

Mercury retrogrades occur more than any other planet, about three times per year. Maybe this is so because it is needed. These periods of re-thinking, re-adjusting, re-doing are invaluable if approached and utilized in their most beneficial way.

In our society, we are always on the go working towards some goal but maybe, just maybe, following our friend’s, Mercury, natural rhythm even with its retrograde periods of reflection, may get us to where we want to go faster and more efficiently.   

Written by Felecia Harte for Astro Frequencies
November, 2019 ©


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Read the full article here:

BY MURRAY STASSEN, Music Business WorldWide
April, 2019