Beyonce Sends Flowers 💐 and Congratulatory Note 🖌 to Coi Leray

Beyonce gives a nod to Coi Leray

Beyoncé stays supporting her fellow female artists.

Coi Leray took to Instagram to share a series of photos of a stunning white floral arrangement sent to her by Queen Bey herself. In the flowers was a sweet note that reads, “I’m a fan of yours and I love watching you grow. You’re a very talented young lady. Love, Beyoncé.”

“The queen has spoken .. Thank you for inspiring all of us not only with music but just how you carry yourself with such grace,” Leray captioned the post along with a string of pink heart emojis. “Thank you thank you thank you” 🙏🏽

Article by Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 09/2023


It’s Fiery🔥 Aries ♈ Season: Watch 👁 the Video and Feel The Fired-Up Energy!

Have You Been Procrastinating…Now Is The Time To Make It Happen!

Hello, it’s Aries Season ! Today the sun🌞moves into fiery Aries. This is the astrological New Year and time for fresh starts! Tomorrow we have a new moon 🌚 also in Aries. Wow, If you ever wanted to change the direction of your life, this is it…set your intentions!

Aries is the beginning of Spring when the flowers and trees are blooming, the grass is green, the days are getting longer and we hear the sweet sounds of birds chirping. We are hopeful as we say bye to the cold, bitterness of winter and venture out of hibernation into the warmth of sunshine. We may still experience some gentle spring showers but that’s okay because we know the golden sun is taking its rightful throne.

We can look forward to summer vacations, outdoor sports, barbecues, hanging out at the pool, cold lemonade and frolicking on the beach in skimpy swimwear not to mention those sumptuous, summer romances.

At this time we feel energized. This particular spring is even more energizing as on March 2oth, spring begins and on March 21st, we have a new moon in Aries! And when you throw in the fact that six celestial bodies: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Pluto all leave one zodiac sign this month of March to ingress into a different zodiac sign, it seems as though we are enveloped in the universal ether of transition if not transformation.

Now is the time. As we leave behind the stagnation of winter to revel in the bursting colors of spring, there is hope that we too can mimic the magnificence of spring and bring  forth its promise into our earthly being.

Let’s Go!
Written by: F.Harte for ASTRO FREQUENCIES


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Felecia’s quote: “Be your own best Astrologer but in the meantime, make sure you have one”

The Deep Emotions Of Pisces ♓

Pisces, the most emotional sign of the zodiac

It’s Pisces Season: Happy Birthday Pisceans! Pisces is the most emotional sign of the zodiac. With Pisces, E-motions are energy in motion squared!: Emo=sq. This season can bring out the compassion not only for others but for ourselves. Let’s love both. #ASTROFRENQUENCiES

Stay tuned into your ASTRO FREQUENCiES…

For more ASTRO FREQUENCiES, check out website:

Felecia’s quote: “Be your own best Astrologer but in the meantime, make sure you have one”


Watch video: iT’s Aquarius ♒ Season…Get Quirky With iT

Aquarius Season Brings Out The Aquarian in YOU!

Now iS the time to Release Your Hidden Idiosyncrasies: We Can Be Anything!

iT’s Aquarius Season. Happy birthday to all the Aquarians who are freedom-loving, intelligent & quirky or should we say eccentric. Let’s all release this energy. With it, we can be anything!

Click link for your Aquarius Season horoscope BY JAKE REGISTER FOR COSMOPOLITAN

Stay tuned into your ASTRO FREQUENCiES…

For more ASTRO FREQUENCiES, check out website:

Felecia’s quote: “Be your own best Astrologer but in the meantime, make sure you have one”



Watch video: Winter Solstice: This season, We May Bundle Up 🧥 But We Open Our Hearts 💞

The Warmth Of The Winter Season

This is the time of year when the coldest of the cold descends upon us. We search for our heaviest coats, warmest socks, winter boots and that cup of hot chocolate to keep us warm. But these things only keep our bodies warm. At this time of year all over the world, it is the season of opening up our hearts and showing those we love how much we care.

It may be cold on the outside but our hearts are warm on the inside.
from the Harte; written by Felecia Harte  ⓒ December, 2022

Happy Holidays, Everybody!


Saj ♐ Season: Take The Journey…

Sagittarius Season…On The Move

Has life been intense? Well, today we leave Scorpio Season & enter Sagittarius Season in style, with a Saj new moon no less. In addition, the Santa Clause planet, Jupiter, turns direct, wow, luck abounds! Now is an opportune time to put your plans into action.

Sagittarius is not only a journey of the physical but a journey of the mind. It’s where we can have dreams, those big visions, and expansive thoughts of what we want life to be. Thoughts turn into reality.
~from the Harte

Read more:

Article by KORIN MILLER published
#Astrology #JupiterDirect #SajNewMoon



Incredible Scorpio Power Lies Within You

Scorpio New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse today is powerful!

New moons every month gives us the opportunity to make fresh starts. An eclipse new moon is even more powerful. With Scorpio energy, we can tap into our deep, inner power to make life-altering changes.

For more on the potential of Scorpio:

~from the Harte for ASTROFREQUENCiES, October, 2022

For more new moon info:

#ScorpioNewMoon #ScorpioNewMoonEclipse #ASTROFREQUENCiES #Astrology #fromtheHarte


Full Moon In Aries Brings Out Your Heart’s Desires…

With today’s Full Moon 🌚 in Aries , you focus on what you desire. What is your heart’s desire?
Now you have the energy & drive to get what you want want no matter what. Just remember, the means doesn’t always justify the ends. Perhaps a workout will work it out.

Aries ♈ Activate The Energy!

October’s Full Moon in Aries (Sunday, October 9th, 2022 @ 1:55 pm PT)

FULL MOON today in Aries ♈ ruled by Mars, the planet of war, desire, sexual desire, aggression, anger, action and the survival instincts. How will this driving energy affect you?

Aries is a masculine, cardinal, fire sign. Cardinal makes reference to the initiating quality of Aries and being of the fire modality, hot with passion.

You may have lots of energy and you know you must do something, some activity that gets your muscles moving and your blood stirring. This might include working out at home or at the gym, re-arranging the living room or bedroom furniture, playing contact sports, a day at the amusement park or making love. 

You may find yourself compromising less while forging ahead with your own agenda. This may be beneficial for those who are normally timid but for those who are normally assertive and even aggressive, this could make for volatile interactions with others. We have to attempt to consciously avoid impulsive actions which we may come to regret.

The light of the moon is brightest at the full moon signaling times of revelation. Something about you, someone else or circumstances may be revealed to you. Sometimes we are unaware of the thoughts or feelings subconsciously living underneath the surface which affect us unknowingly. A full moon can bring these beneath-the-surface stirrings to our consciousness and where we can acknowledge them. 

Being more aware of what affects our behavior is powerful just like the energy of Mars and Aries, the domain of this full moon. 

We can use the power of the Mars/Aries energy to make improvements in our lives. Without the driving energy of Mars, we may not even want to get out of the bed to start our day. Mars propels us forward with the punch and potency needed to accomplish  our desires. 

There are times when it’s good to be selfish in order to make those strides we need to achieve however, make sure to temper actions when necessary to avoid impulsive actions that may hurt others.

If you have found yourself procrastinating about cleaning out the garage, or starting a workout routine or writing that book, or asking that special someone out on a date, a full moon in Aries can turn that little, inner spark into a vibrant flame that warms and illuminates you, those around you and those burning desires.

Let’s Go!

For a personal session with Felecia, with your special introductory rate, please email: Felecia Astro at

Written by Felecia Harte for Astro Frequencies © 2022; click About Felecia to learn more!

~from the Harte for ASTROFREQUENCiES, October, 2022

For more full moon info:

#AriesFullMoon #ASTROFREQUENCiES #Astrology #fromtheHarte