The Age Of Aquarius The Promise: All is One Watch The Video, Life is Inspiring!
We are at the cusp of the dawning of a new age which spans approximately 2,000 years. During this Age of Aquarius, we are called to live in unity as a global community.
Each is an integral part of the whole. There will certainly be advances in technology however, it is our relationships to one another that is utmost important. Our physical bodies need food and water to survive but peace, compassion and love, one to all and all to one, is the hearty sustenance in which humankind survives and thrives.
When we are united in the victory of our global freedom, the warm frequency emanating from our planet earth, like a glowing star, will shine brightly far into the universe…
~by Felecia Harte of ASTRO FREQUENCIES For more information, go to ASTRO FREQUENCiES:…